Take a look at Varnish, learn more details on web accelerators to see precisely what it is that they do.
Varnish is a web app accelerator, which has been gaining a lot of popularity lately, as it can increase the speed of any Internet site, sometimes even by 100%, depending on the content. This tool is occasionally referred to as an HTTP reverse proxy too and is used to reduce the overall load on the server and to increase the access speed for the website visitors. Each time a visitor opens a page on a particular site, the browser request is processed by the web server and the requested content is returned as a reply. If the Varnish accelerator is activated, it caches the web pages that the website visitor browses and in case any of them is accessed for a second time, it’s delivered by Varnish and not by the web server directly. The boost in the performance comes from the fact that the accelerator handles the web requests considerably quicker than any web server, which leads to much faster browsing speeds for the users. In case any data is updated in the meantime, the cached webpages will also be ‘refreshed’ the next time somebody tries to open them.
Varnish in Shared Website Hosting
You can make use of Varnish’s full potential and optimize the load speed of your websites regardless of the
shared website hosting package that you have picked and you can add and configure the content caching platform with several mouse clicks using the user-friendly interface offered by our leading-edge Hepsia hosting Control Panel. During the process, you’ll be able to choose two separate things – how many Internet sites will use Varnish, in other words – the number of instances, and how much info will be cached, in other words – the amount of system memory. The latter comes in increments of 32 megabytes and is not linked to the number of instances, so you can use more instances with less memory and the other way around. In case you’ve got lots of content on a certain site and you win a lot of website visitors, more memory will guarantee you a better result. You may also consider employing a dedicated IP address for the sites that will use the Varnish caching platform. Hepsia will provide you with simple one-click buttons for disabling or restarting any instance, for erasing the cache associated with any Internet site and for viewing elaborate system logs.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Varnish caching platform is part of the standard service set that you’ll receive if you choose to host your Internet sites under a
semi-dedicated server account. You can configure it for any of your Internet sites through our next-generation Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The default system memory that the Varnish platform can use to cache data is 64 MB, but if you decide that you want more, you can upgrade this amount from the Control Panel’s Upgrades section. You can also upgrade the Varnish instances, i.e. the number of the websites that can use this caching platform at the same time. As these two features aren’t linked to each other, you can use a couple of instances with the default memory or you can add more memory in increments of 32 megabytes and use all of it for a single site. The Varnish platform performs best if you get a dedicated IP for the websites that utilize its power. The Hepsia Control Panel will provide you with a simple means of rebooting any instance. What’s more, you’ll be able to delete the cached contents with just a click.
Varnish in Dedicated Hosting
Linux dedicated servers hosting packages that are ordered with the custom Hepsia web hosting Control Panel include Varnish, which is one of the pre-installed software platforms that you will get with the dedicated server. The Varnish platform can be configured and managed with no effort via Hepsia’s time and effort saving graphical interface and, with no more than one single mouse click, you can check an elaborate log, add or restart an instance, clear the cached files for any Internet site and much more. Soon after you activate Varnish for a specific domain or subdomain, it will start caching the web pages opened by your website visitors and as soon as it has cached enough web content, you’ll perceive a significantly faster website performance in addition to a decreased load on the machine. With Varnish-dedicated virtual memory starting at 3 GB, you will be able to use the software platform for workload distribution purposes even if you host many websites on the machine.