What is phpBB?

If you need a forum, a place where you can consult with different people on different issues, then phpBB – the most widely used free discussion board software, will be an ideal option for you.

What phpBB offers you is a terrific admin dashboard, via which you can administer all the settings of your discussion board – you can select who will be the moderators, precisely how the web site will look and feel, etc. Yet another immense advantage of phpBB is familiarity – lots of users are already aware of the software and the instant they notice your website, they will know what to do.

phpBB is a trademark of phpBB Limited and shares no affiliation with Weblife123.com.

phpBB–Optimized Cloud Hosting Services

If you are searching for a decent home for your forum, then you have come to the right spot. We, at Weblife123.com, offer phpBB Linux shared website hosting packages services that are capable of handling any type of Internet forum.

Weblife123.com’s phpBB cloud hosting packages are designed to be risk–free. You will enjoy a 99.9% server uptime, it is a guarantee. And you’ll get unlimited disk storage space, unlimited monthly traffic and unlimited MySQL database space quotas so that your phpBB–powered discussion forum can grow unrestrictedly. Besides, with all phpBB cloud hosting plans available at Weblife123.com, you’ll be offered a free–of–charge domain and a 24/7 support service with an average ticket response time of 20 minutes.

An Easy–to–Use Web Hosting Control Panel

All our phpBB cloud hosting packages come with our own Web Site Control Panel. It is an avant–garde Control Panel, which enables you to manage your websites and your domain names from one single place. There is absolutely no need for more billing panels.

And there’s a great deal more than that. You’ll have at your disposal a lot of tools and free–of–charge bonuses that can help you more efficiently manage your sites. With Weblife123.com’s File Manager, you’ll be able to upload files simply by dragging them into the browser. Weblife123.com’s Databases Manager enables you to perform a database backup with a click of the mouse. With our Domain Name Manager, you will be able to seamlessly administer a lot of domain names. And with Weblife123.com’s Website Accelerator Tools for competent users, you will be able to drastically increase the loading speed of your site.