No–cost site builder
A drag–and–drop site builder with a collection of mobile–optimized free of charge themes.

With, you’ll have access to a really easy to navigate site builder. It’s really straightforward and it features an interface that will be instantly familiar to everybody who has ever worked with an admin area. The site builder boasts an array of distinctive design themes which you can modify with just a click of the mouse and publish a site as you want. Plus, every website template is fully responsive, so your new site will look and feel amazing on tablets and phones from the very beginning.
The site builder is a component of the Web Site Control Panel, present with all Linux shared website hosting packages, Linux VPS packages, Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, and Linux dedicated servers hosting packages plans.
A simple to operate site builder
No web development knowledge is required
The purpose of our site builder is to make website creation plain and to help you set up a good–looking site without ever needing to type even one line of HTML, CSS or PHP, or any other programming languages.
You could do that utilizing layout elements which you can add to every website template and then personalize and re–order anyway you want. And best of all, you can delete the elements you have no use for with just a click. If you want to make your site more engaging, you can easily insert videos and photos, or even an image gallery to it.
Plus, everything works smoothly.
A set of fully customizable themes
Super cool design themes that look cool across tablets and phones
Using the site builder, you will have access to an assortment of free–of–cost themes for all kinds of websites like individual pages, e–stores, community portals, and so on.
Every site template comes in a variety of designs and offers a number of color configurations. Plus, you’ll have access to a huge collection of pre–made images and will have the option to pick from over 100 different fonts for your website. Every website template is developed to work across all mobile devices. In case you want to replace a selected site template, you’ll be able to complete that very easily. All of the pages and edits you’ve completed will be carried over.
In–built Help Center and step–by–step videos
Learn exactly how uncomplicated it really is to kickstart a website
The’s site builder comes with a Help Center which features comprehensive step–by–step articles and video tutorials inspired by the most commonly asked questions by clients.
You will be able to discover how to edit your site theme and launch an all new web page. Besides, you’ll discover just how you can select a different website theme or maybe install a photo gallery onto your website.
Also, you could get in touch with us round–the–clock should you require real–time assistance with your site.